Why the Humble Notebook Is Flourishing in the iPhone Era | New Republic

Why the Humble Notebook Is Flourishing in the iPhone Era | New Republic

If I am in a meeting, then I am listing things to do, buy, write, read, or look up (occasionally, I am also taking notes on the meeting itself). Just in the past five days I have made lists of: books I have read so far this summer, books I still want to read this summer, emails I should send this week, writing projects to finish in June, groceries to buy, food in my fridge that needs to be used up before I go on vacation, things to do before I go away, and things to pack for my trip. My real work—writing lectures or things I actually intend to publish—all happens on a computer, of course, but my whole life happens in notebooks. And strange to say, it turns out I’m not the only one.

This is mostly a piece exploring the popularity of the Bullet Journal system but it’s a good read all the same.