As a kid, I remember my father at the dining room table in the morning jotting down his to-do list for the day on his mini legal pad as he sipped coffee and took in the busy goings on in our household. I remember his orange or brown or red Paper Mate felt tip pens scratching out instructions to himself in perfect architect block script. My father could make a grocery list look like a precise set of life specifications. But he made lists or, as he told me more than once, it was gone.
I don’t think I’ve had a conversation with my Dad in years where a list of things he wished to discuss with me or questions to ask was not present — Jotted down. Usually on yellow legal paper. Pen in hand ready to capture notes and followups. And, my life is largely driven by lists I keep on 3×5 cards. Most of the commitments on my calendar begin life as an item on a list. Lists keep me moving forward.
(via Matthew Lang)
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