Sometimes I randomly grab a journal and read a few pages. I often have no recollection of the events I wrote about. I just pulled out 1995 and was surprised to see that a neighbor brought three studs and a mare over on Dec. 18. I noted it was a big struggle to geld those horses as they had never been touched. I kept two of them here and started breaking them to ride on Dec. 20. I must have been hard up for money as there are no indoor arenas on this place and it is seldom fun to break colts wearing overshoes.
This is a fun post to read. Especially if you have an interest in farming. But, more importantly, it is a reminder that journalling is for more than just writing. It is nice to go back and read and remember too. I often do this — randomly pick up an old journal and open up a page. I always find something surprising that I did not remember. Something that seemed important enough at the time to capture often finds new meaning when read again months or years later. In a way, a journal is a message left for our future selves.