21st Century Hunter Gatherer
Original source of the list is here. When something really resonates with me, I capture it in my Core Commonplace book.
Original source of the list is here. When something really resonates with me, I capture it in my Core Commonplace book.
Great example of turning off your inner editor to get that thing to draw from. http://t.co/wFdLPvmWp7 — Nathan Kontny (@natekontny) August 10, 2015
We recently installed this Andrew Martin Love Letter Wallpaper in a small bathroom and could not be happier. Not only is it beautiful and unique but it is in li...
Shawn Blanc on The Focus Course on Instagram I outlined and wrote The Focus Course with notecards. Each binder clip is a module or content section. Each card is...
New to me, I decided to write my intentions for the day on the top of the page in my Daily Log to see if it helped me shape the day. I found it helpful. Perhaps...
Dave Caolo shows the notes he took while recording the Homework Podcast episode 157, on which I was a guest.
My first short story of the year, go team fiction via literambivalence.
Via Attila’s Den