“I started with Stardust: It was (in my head) being written in the 1920s, so I bought a fountain pen and a big notebook and wrote it by hand to find out how writing by hand changed my head. And it did, it really did. I was sparser, I would think my way through a sentence further, I would write less, in a good way. And when I typed it up, it became a very real second draft – things would vanish or change. I discovered that I enjoyed messing about with fountain pens, I even liked the scritchy noise the pen nib made on the paper.”
Very cool. I’ve known that Neil writes with pen and fountain pen before this but actually seeing it and reading his experience it gives it new perspective. Make sure to click through because there are a ton of scans that really show his process — crassest, side notes, and all.
(via Austin Kleon)