[Robert Stephens on Threads
Robert Stephens on Threads.
Robert Stephens on Threads.
They Just Work — From the Pen Cup But then I had to reconnect ALL THE THINGS to the network as the settings had changed — the desktop computer, my Kindle, the S...
The five-year journey to make an adventure game out of ink and paper I couldn’t walk away from the pen and ink thing,” says John Evelyn, creator of The Collage ...
A tale from “ye olden days” of graphic design that taught me to love and embrace constraints — Rohdesign It was an earlier time filled with layout boards, non-r...
10 Things Jerry Seinfeld Can’t Live Without | GQ – YouTube Even if you’re writing comedy, a legal pad says. “I am taking this seriously....
Montblanc asked Wes Anderson to direct its ad. He did – and designed a pen | Vogue Business Anderson agreed to their brief, which involved directing a short fil...
Omom Blog | Omom A handwritten blog by Hansjörg Schlüter. Though I’ve seen others before I still find it a neat idea that there should be more of.
The Tools of Excellence v4, 1: The Notebook & Pencil – Nicholas Bate 1: The Notebook & Pencil Paper and pencil. There it is: no power needed, dis...
Long-lost Gershwin musical found by University of Michigan researcher – mlive.com Because even in this digital age, if you want to to last long enough to ...